Why South Neighborhoods is actually not that bad

3 min readOct 22, 2019


Whitehaven Memphis TN
Whitehaven Memphis TN

The face I have gotten on a daily basis from fellow Fedex employees when I tell them I live on the Winbranch drive of Winbranch Complex have ranged from disgust, sympathy and an ironic smile.

South Memphis neighborhood — Whitehaven 38116 in particular — gets an amazingly bad rep. Believe me, when my wife and I were choosing our new place to call home back in February and we had to find something to fit our budget in Memphis, Whitehaven wasn’t the first option. A large portion of my family lives in Mississippi, so they constantly told me that Whitehaven is no place to raise kids, and sharing posts about high crime places like New horizon.

Winbranch Apartment Complex
Winbranch Apartment Complex

But I will tell you that living in Whitehaven Neighborhood is not as bad as people make it out to be. The crime rate is not different from Memphis general area and you just need to know where to live.

Now, is it the best Neighborhood? Absolutely not. However, there are some great benefits to living in Whitehaven.

To start with, Winbranch complex might have the best security and maintenance in Whitehaven. It has a wide variety of layouts to choose from. Apartments Near Me helped us with everything and always were on point. We didn’t know what to expect from low income housing or second chance apartments, but Winbranch is like an island in Whitehaven. We were surprised to have a peaceful, clean and quiet community in Whitehaven and its clearly noticeable that their upstate management company “Apartments Near Me” practices made the difference.

Affordable Apartments To Rent
Affordable Apartments To Rent

Also, Uncle Louis Fried Chicken is the best in town and it’s right outside of the complex. We are 2 minutes away from the interstate so my wife can get to work in downtown in less than 15 minutes. After living here for a while we know our neighbors and they are helping us out with the kids.

Other apartments complex in the area also provides gated community and maintenance 24/7 with second chance friendly programs. The second chance friendly could end up being wonderful or a nightmare, depending on the neighbors you get. If you’re planning on an apartment I would not recommend going to a random community that isn’t quiet with high standards of rules and regulations in Whitehaven. The odds that all your neighbors will be great is slim to none.

I won’t lie to you: Whitehaven Neighborhood is not the best Neighborhood in Memphis, but it actually has tons of advantages. It’s fits the budget, its have great transportation, schools are within walking distance, shopping are affordable and if you have great community management than you know you are in good hands.

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Written by AR

Apartments Near Me is innovating the Apartment Industry with visionary ways of thinking that any renter or landlord would be proud to be apart of.

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